Grading guidelines: Data collection report
Each student is expected to participate in at least one live data collection session, observing silently and under the supervision of a trained member of Dr. Casillas’s lab. Students are required to report on what they learned from the experience. The report can come in pretty much any form you can imagine submitting to Canvas: a brief (~0.5–1 page) written response to the questions below, a short story/poem/interpretive dance or song describing the experience, a collage or drawn/painted image, a sequence of relevant tiktoks, etc. Some aspect of the report should touch on a subset of the points listed at the bottom of this page.
Full credit is given for completion of the assignment. Brownie points are given for creativity. IMPORTANT Do NOT mention the name of your participant(s) in the report. Instead, use pseudonyms if you want to refer to the participant and/or their family members.
Expectations for full credit
In order to earn full credit, touch on at least two of the following questions in some way (indirect—e.g., via metaphor—is fine):
- How did you feel/what did you wonder about before you began the testing session?
- How smoothly did the test session go?
- How was your experience similar/different to what you imagine Jaswal, Neely, and team experienced?
- What seemed most complicated or difficult about the testing session?
- What was most fun about it?
- How does witnessing such a live testing session influence your opinion of developmental psychology approaches to language development in general?
- How did you feel after you finished the testing session?