Debate preparation
We will hold two debates in class this quarter. To make sure you are prepared to participate, I ask you to prepare notes in advance.
One week in advance of each debate, I will share a proposition that we will debate in the following class. Debates will span more than one lecture.
You are asked to prepare both affirmative and oppositional evidence and arguments in advance. In class you will be randomly assigned to one side of the debate and will work with your peers to refine and present your arguments.
As preparation for the debate, prepare the following:
Affirmative arguments and evidence
Compile at least 3 points in favor of the proposition, drawing on:
- Empirical findings from the assigned readings and/or lecture materials
- Persuasive argumentation or sound logic
ADVICE: A combination of these points is a good idea.
Oppositional arguments and evidence
Compile at least 3 points going against the proposition, drawing on:
- Empirical findings from the assigned readings and/or lecture materials
- Persuasive argumentation or sound logic
ADVICE: A combination of these points is a good idea.