chatter tools
For your re-use or adaptation, here are some of the tools we’ve used to speed up data collection, annotation, and/or analysis in the Chatter Lab.
Making daylong audio recordings
See the ACLEW site for the latest LENA-alternative tools.
See HomeBank’s tools repository for LENA-relevant tools.
Ethical considerations for daylong recordings.
Considerations to make before conducting daylong recording resarch.
Tutorial on getting started with daylong recordings.
Manually annotating child language environments
DARCLE Annotation Scheme: An adaptable template and guidelines for child language environment annotations in ELAN. Citation: 1
ACLEW Annotation Scheme: A set of self-guided tutorials and gold-standard training materials, including an online test for comprehension implementing a specific version of the DARCLE Annotation Scheme for the ACLEW project. Citation: 1
Measuring turn taking in natural interaction
chattr: A set of scripts, soon to be package, for extracting turn-taking measures from utterance-annotated data. WARNING: still under development.
Annotating audio snippets
Anotar: Useful for text-based annotations of short audio snippets.
IDSLabel: Annotate speech segments within LENA conversational blocks across 1+ sites. Citation: 1, 2
ALICE: Automatically estimate number of words, syllables, and/or phones in speech clips. Citation: 1
Annotating photos
IMCO: Efficiently annotate a directory of photos using a closed set of hotkeys.
Version: 1, 2
Creating video
AnimatingConversation: Create simple animated conversation stimuli. Requires base character images, audio, and annotations of utterances.
Weave: Create snapshot-linked audio (i.e., video files) given an audio recording and concurrent photo stream.
Creating non-adjacent dependency learning stimuli
Coming soon…