Mind 3 (Section 9; Casillas)

Spring 2022

Thursdays 11:00am-12:20am Chicago time

Office hours: Thursdays 1:00–2:00pm, or by appointment.

Instructor: Marisa Casillas (mcasillas@uchicago.edu)

Weekly assignments

  • Wednesdays: Question and synopsis due before midnight Chicago time
  • Thursdays in class: 1-question reading comprehension quiz

Assignment descriptions

Question and synopsis

Post to Canvas discussion board (in this order):

  1. A succinctly stated question directly derived from the week’s readings and lecture (two-three sentences at most). This should be a question that emerges from having understood the claims presented in the readings and/or lecture, not just a general question that one could ask of the topic without having read the material or heard the lecture.
  2. A synopsis of one of the readings (see directions for week 1 here and the other weeks here)

Your question + synopsis each week will be graded on a scale of 0 (not submitted) to 3 (great). A full score of 3 will be assigned for thoughtful, well-written posts that have all the required sub-parts (see above) and engage deeply with the cited content.

1-question comprehension quiz

I will pick one quick question from the readings for that week that you should be able to answer if you have read the papers. The quiz is given at the start of our Thursday section hour. There is no make-up quiz, so please come on time.


  • Weekly question + synopsis: 70%
  • Final paper: 25%
  • Attendance (includes comprehension quizzes): 5%

Final paper deadline (Tuesday, 31 May 2022)



Email: mcasillas@uchicago.edu

Office: Rosenwald 318A

Office hours: Thursdays 1:00–2:00pm, or by appointment.

If you require any accommodations for this course, as soon as possible please provide your instructor with a copy of your Accommodation Determination Letter (provided to you by the Student Disability Services office) so that you may discuss with him/her how your accommodations may be implemented in this course. The University of Chicago is committed to ensuring the full participation of all students in its programs. If you have a documented disability (or think you may have a disability) and, as a result, need a reasonable accommodation to participate in class, complete course requirements, or benefit from the University’s programs or services, you are encouraged to contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. To receive reasonable accommodation, you must be appropriately registered with Student Disability Services. Please contact the office at 773-834-4469/TTY 773-795-1186 or gmoorehead@uchicago.edu, or visit the website at disabilities.uchicago.edu. Student Disability Services is located in Room 233 in the Administration Building located at 5801 S. Ellis Avenue.